Thursday, September 24, 2009

prt3 Nakhan Marketing Plan

Furthermore, alcohol interferes with the nutritional process by affecting digestion, storage, utilization, and excretion of nutrients. With my new product Nakhan it could help counter act what alcohol would do to your body otherwise. Thus, preventing some of the alcoholic effects such as hangovers. With a high amount of the vitamin supplements mixed in with the alcohol, counter acting the effects that the alcohol would effect negatively in your body, would help you feel good and be able to go on about your day or night with out thinking of the negative impact later. After words I started doing a concept test. “Concept test evaluates a new product idea, usually before any prototype has been created.” (MKTG By Lamb McDaniel.) I started talking to consumers about my new product Nakhan to get a positive or negative response to my product. Most of the consumers I talked to had thought that vodka that could give you the buzz you want without the possibility of no hangovers but can give you energy was great. "Typically, researchers get consumer reactions to descriptions and visual representations of a proposed prototype.” (MKTG By Lamb McDaniel.)I began working on the bottles for my new product. I wanted a bottle that looks inviting but not too extravagant. I wanted a bottle that says yea I’m vodka but vodka with qualities. I also started working on the pricing of my vodka.

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