Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vodka Marketing plan

Vodka marketing plan
The V
If you can’t beat them help them
Here comes the new alcohol for the obsessed drinkers that if you can’t make the quit. Give them the alcohol that they love best with some type of nutritional value. Instead of adding extra alcohol like grained alcohol subtract the grained alcohol with more of vitamin substance add more vitamin D or Vitamin C with mix of Ice cream flavors that will substitute the alcohol. They would never know the difference between regular Vodka and nutritional Vodka. When you drink you get hangovers and upset stomach. Instead of a negative effect with Vodka, with this Vodka it will give you more energy and curtain vitamin minerals that will keep you healthy. Just as if you were to take vitamins that keep your skin or hair healthy heart healthy ecs. This vodka would do the same. No negative energy just positive. It’s great to have the Vodka every person who’s a vodka drinker be able to keep going along with their everyday life with no side effect. So instead of fighting alcohol give them what they want while looking out for their interest.

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